
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

st patd 3

Lucky Clover St. Patrick's Day
Invitations, announcements and Valentine's Day cards by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know for those of you with good cameras, and real knowledge and real skills, this picture isn't great, but I am actually pretty excited about it.  Why, you ask?  Because it was taken without my flash with just the light from a lamp with a 40 watt bulb.  I adjusted the few manual settings my camera has, and was able to get a picture of my beautiful sleeping boy without using the flash I hate!

And the best part?  After this late nap (from 5 - 7:30pm), his daddy has kid duty.

Good night!!
Love those eyelashes!


I had no energy, no inspiration, no dedication, and therefore, no picture!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Out of focus, but she's so cute!


 I was very excited last night because I was all caught up.  Then I forgot to publish the post with yesterday's photo. Oy!  ADD much? 
First time in the Jumperoo!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


The last of the dreaded phone pictures!



Phone again!
Got cheeks?


Another phone picture.


I got behind, and I was going to give up.  My OCD wouldn't let me post pictures that weren't taken on the right day.  Then I realized I had taken pictures with my phone!

Baby Girl at the doctor with a cold!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


We went for a walk today. 

We walked from our house to a nearby lake.

There was beautiful light.

My kids climbed on rocks and looked super cute.

There was glassy water, a dog, plants, leaves, sun, trees.


So, instead of nice outdoor shots of cute kids climbing on rocks in beautiful light, you get......

...what happens when you leave your baby alone with her two year old brother for 30 seconds!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today I became an aunt for the 12th time!

He's a cutie!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I didn't really have time for a more creative picture today, but I did snap a few quick pictures of Baby Girl tonight.

These are full on flash, which I hate, but it's the best I could do.  I just really wanted to get something posted.  I knew if I went two days without posting, I would give up completely!


Okay, so I didn't post yesterday.  I had a migraine, my son pulled his dresser over on himself (he's fine), it was just a rather stressful day, and I never got around to taking pictures.

First thing this morning, I was playing with glow bracelets with the rowdy two year old, when I thought it might be fun to try photographing them in the dark of my closet, so that's what I did.  I used the fireworks setting, and I sort of like the result.

Friday, January 7, 2011


We've been house bound today due to cold (by Florida standards) and wind (by anyone's standards) and a little two year old with an awful cold and croupy cough.  So, as I was straightening up, the perler beads, with their bright, happy colors, caught my eye.  I think Jenn did this once, with much better results, I'm sure!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I wanted to get a photo of The Boy in his new Woody jammies.  Once he sleeps in them, he refuses to take them off until bath time the next night!  Of course, then he wants to put on the Buzz jammies!

I needed more light, so I had to use my (icky) flash.  Two more hours and the light in that room is perfect!  I needed a little more space.  I couldn't hang my backdrop high enough.  Normally, I would have the big sisters hold it up for me.  I'm okay with what I got considering it was rushed so we could have lunch and take a nap (only he's not really napping, he's in his room, still in his Woody pj's playing with three different Buzz dolls....Toy Story much?).

Hey Howdy Hey! I am lookin' good!

Woody in motion.  See what I have to work with?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



I've decided to attempt this 365 thing.  Seeing as how I couldn't keep my promise of posting once a WEEK this summer, I know it's risky.  But I want to give it a try.

I really, really, really want a new camera, and I really hoped we could swing it for Christmas.  Then my stupid car needed stupid tires, so there went my camera budget.

Then I realized I really know nothing about photography.  I mean, I think I do okay with angles and composition and whatnot, but there are settings on my current camera that I don't quite understand.  So, I figure I can take some time, do some research, figure out all the settings on the camera I have, learn what I can, and then maybe, eventually, I'll get the camera of my dreams.  Once I figure out what the camera of my dreams is!

This is not my first official post because my OCD won't let me post my first day of 365 days on a random day.  But tomorrow is my birthday, and that seems like a great place to start counting down a year.  Meanwhile, here's a shot I got of my baby girl.  I know it's grainy and dark, but there's just something about it that I love!

January 2, 2011